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Care is a broad term that includes the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being of those who call Emmanuel Church their spiritual home.  The aim of the Care ministry is to foster and develop a culture of care at Emmanuel Church where every member sees and actions their role and responsibility to love and care for one-another.


Our vision is to see effective gospel change in and through people to strengthen the church for God’s glory (Titus 2:11-14).  Our mission is to do so through equipping our people for the works of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-16), with a special focus on the inter-personal ministry of God’s Word.  This happens in unison with the faithful preaching and teaching of God’s Word.


The aim is to create a culture where people will seek out help.  The goal is to equip people for effective pastoral conversations to help others, that is, to listen and speak in wisdom and love.  We help one another by moving towards one another in love with humility and vulnerability to get to the point of praying for and with one another as we bring God’s Word to bare on one another’s life.  This happens through training from the pulpit and specially designed courses.  We also offer more extensive training to develop a team of trained lay-counsellors who will serve the church in cases where more formal intervention is needed.  Through the Care and Counselling Ministry we also have the opportunity to reach and serve our broader community and the world.


Every Christian is to be involved in the inter-personal ministry of God’s Word.

It is the one-anothering, the discipling, that Jesus commands of his followers.

God has given us one another to help one another to become more like Jesus.

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